life consists of abstainment and the audacity of a real event
so when something happens it impacts
lust is evil
but love is good so leo says
you and I are permanent and there is no getting away from the other
is the differentiation he points out to me
in regards to his many relationships
and mine somewhat with others
you can quit when the love runs its course with another
but that won't be an option between you and me
and so touch and feel time has arriven for me as it has already long before
a framework I asked of what others may view this love as
and a framework that will keep the love pure and unaffected as love
and framework that provides a guideline for him and me to follow
he says he will think about it and with a glad smile leaves
when going against the customs of a society
yet exploring something yet inexperienced I am about
I say stop when a point is reached
and he heeds after a gentle nudge
it would be rarely breathless or ardent
but more casual and brushing
but it is enough for me to feel and experience sexualiry
in a light I haven't felt before
I said what makes it different from before I ask leo
and he says lust before now love
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