상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

절정이란Sunday, August 4, 202411:04 PM


by I am because you were 2024. 8. 5. 12:23



Sunday, August 4, 2024

11:04 PM

높이가다 보면 이상 갈수 없을



이보다 아름다운 광경이 있을 없을







안으로의 절정일까?



Gravity 입장에선 절정이란 가장 우리에게는 계곡같은 낮은 곳이 아닐까


아니면 정상 산의 정상에서 중력이 가장 셀까



바다 깊이 갈수록 수압이 미칠 도록 크고

창공으로 높이 갈수록 기압이 미칠 듯이 크다.



상상이 가장 자유로운 것이 평범이라는 status일까




The swirl

Of a tornado

Or of the waters spiraling into a cone down into its depths


The dance

The music

The lines the visuals

The dress that flirls


Body moves

And the clothings fly up

And flutters down


The head and the pointed toes shoot up

The height is raised beyond



The toss of head

The toss of a ball by a trapeze


The art of movement




I wonder what it would be like to perform a trick that a famous magician does

Or to orchestrate a score of famous music


Singing at the top of the voice

Squeaks but still

The chicks beeps and scurry and hold still to the tune



The chick poops and the poop made dirt from past flocks make up the ground

And the decades old walls of the chicken houses encloses


The chicks run about on this manure dirt

And inside these old walls



And feed on the feed

That the chicken factory sent in a feed truck dispatched

After loading a containerful

From the high rise pile of corn feed

That the factory has brought in from

The corn fields



A chicken story that started with ruminations on APEX.


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